18th October 2024

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Search Leicestershire & Rutland Association of Local Councils

Supporting Local Councils in Leicestershire & Rutland


Event information and booking

Date: Saturday 17th September 2022 9:15am-1pm

Venue: Mountsorrel Memorial Centre, 105 Leicester Rd, Mountsorrel, Leicester LE12 7DB

Cost: £10 per delegate.

The 2022 LRALC AGM will be held at the Mountsorrel Memorial Centre (MMC - Mountsorrel Memorial Centre). This first-class facility showcases what parish councils can achieve when it comes to providing modern and welcoming community, conference, and entertainment spaces at a local level, and all stall holders will benefit from the environment that the MMC provides for delegates and commercial partners alike.

We are delighted to be bringing councillors and officers back together for a face-face event, and as in previous years, we would encourage all member councils to send not only their 1 voting delegate (for the business of the AGM itself), but also other councillors and officers who would benefit from attending the event, as in addition to the AGM there will be presentations, stalls from commercial partners who service the parish sector, and other items of interest.

Registration will be open from 9:15am with formal proceedings starting at 10am. Ample free parking is available immediately outside the Memorial Centre and nearby. We will send joining instructions w/c 12/9.

A selection of breakfast items including bacon sandwiches, with vegan and gluten free alternatives, will be available from 9:15am. You'll be asked to let us know about dietary requirements when you book. Hot and cold drinks will be available throughout the morning. Breakfast and refreshments are included in the £10 delegate fee.

We're now ready for you to register your delegates. Please book by Friday 9th September.

Voting delegates (One per council) - please book here

Non-voting delegates (Any other councillors or staff who wish to attend) - please book here

Motions for consideration at the AGM should be sent in writing to our office by Friday 9th September.

Agenda and supporting papers (FINAL)

Presenters and presentations

Presentations will be made by LRALC and our lead sponsor (BHIB Insurance Brokers) on issues of relevance to our sector and forward priorities for our organisation. Delegates will have opportunity for networking throughout the morning.

Panel session on the cost-of-living crisis, its impact on local councils, and steps to support communities at parish level.

Market place

Market place stall holders will be available to meet delegates from 9:15am. Confirmed participants for the marketplace so far are detailed below. Click on the link to see more information and download materials from each company:

Last updated: Wed, 22 May 2024 10:32